reply to a rabid Bush supporter
Name: Roger
Comments: Sarya, I
pity you. You're anti-Bush page is disgraceful. It's
obvious you're just a bitter, troubled woman who feels
compelled to take her "own" problems out on
someone like George W. Bush. Bush is a great President, I
might add!!! Sarya, I believe it was Bill Clinton and all
the other Democrats who really screwed this country up!
Democrats have no morals whatsoever! At least,
Republicans have always stood for good morals!
Republicans want to help our country. But Democrats just
want to destroy our country. I mean, all Bill Clinton
could ever do was have sex with every woman he ever came
across! At least, Bush never pulled that stunt. Bush is
an honest man! Sarya, you liberal Democrats need to get a
life! You people are the true "party of hate"!
Oh Sarya, believe me, Laura Bush is a far better woman
than you'll ever be! I pity you.
Wednesday, February 20th 2002 - 11:30:48 PM
***grins*** ahhh I so love it when Republicans send me
hate warms my liberal lil heart ....
Too bad when they sign my dreambook they dont leave an
address but anyways i guess i will reply to "Roger"
right here instead .
He says ,
"Sarya i pity you"
Wow can a right wing truly pity anyone but themselves ???
amazing !!!!
He says ,
"You're anti-Bush page is disgraceful"
Really Roger ? what i find disgraceful is how people like
you can spend so much time in my pages if they are so
very disgraceful , the truth hurts doesnt it ? Yet you
cant turn away .Sounds like repressed sexuality problems
to me .
He then says
"It's obvious you're just a bitter, troubled woman
who feels compelled to take her "own" problems
out on someone like George W. Bush."
Bitter , yes i admit im bitter since the votes didn't
count in getting the true man who won in office ...Troubled
? More like Pissed Roger, pissed because crooks like the
Republicans stole an election !!
The only problem i have is the fact that the election was
a JOKE and Bush is FRAUD.
He ten says ,
"Bush is a great President"
excuse me while a gag ........ where is he great ? Is it
taking away woman's rights to choose ? Is it infringing
on folks personal freedoms ?
Or maybe you think force feeding religion and the right
wing agenda is good ? Maybe its the fact he is a crook
trying to cover his ass in the Eron scandal ? Is it
feeding big business while sending this country into the
red ? Is it being a War Monger ? Or maybe its his King
Dubya of the world that turns ya on so ?
he says
"I believe it was Bill Clinton and all the other
Democrats who really screwed this country up"
yes those bad lil Democrats ...... caring about the lil
people, fighting for women's rights, protecting freedom
of religion and helping people of color ....fighting for
affordable medical care for the poor ...Getting the
country out of the red(only to have dubya screw it up
again?) Protecting the working folks wages ....fighting
off the right wing xtain fundies ......shame on those
Democrats ....... NOT
He says,
"Democrats have no morals whatsoever"
Meaning they are not right wing fundies ? Meaning they
aren't hypocrites?
That they admit to being human having normal problems and
trying to help others ...yea shame on them for not being
perfect like those republican pricks (sarcasm intended
he says,
"At least, Republicans have always stood for good
morals! "
Yes i admire their morals esp all those perverts who
behind the pulpit molest children in the moral majority
and those great republicans who steal money from
companies and investors and leave their employees
penniless and broke and fill their own pockets up to the
Two words Roger, Watergate and Eron
he says,
"Republicans want to help our country"
Help our country eh? Help us get into another Vietnam ?
Help the rich line their pockets more ? help make us the
laughing stock of the world with King George's quest for
world domination?
he says ,
"But Democrats just want to destroy our country."
Yes as i said before just how do you suppose that is ?
Despite all the crap that went on about his sexlife Bill
Clinton brought this country to its best economical shape
in years ! He gave a damn about the poor and gays and a
womans right to freedom if that is destroying the country
then more power to the destruction .
he says ,
"I mean, all Bill Clinton could ever do was have sex
with every woman he ever came across!"
I think its very pathetic that someones sexual life is
brought forth to cover the other parties CRIMINAL
BEHAVIOR , yes Bill Clinton like many folks was a sexual
being and no one knows the behind the scenes personal
life he had but what someone does in their bedroom or in
their own sex life is none of anyone's business period ..its
sad that sensationalism and dirty tricks was used to go
after a very good man in my book, sure he made mistakes
but name me someone who didn't ?
I think also folks should consider that all the woman he
had affairs with went on to be media stars with plastic
surgery all paid for with moneys from the right wing ..what
is worse a blow job or getting paid to smear a good man ?
I always found the fact that Bill still enjoyed sex a
good thing for our country least he had someone to
live for unlike some dried up old fart republican who
just as soon be dead anyways .
he says,
"At least, Bush never pulled that stunt. Bush is an
honest man! Sarya,"
Well Roger , no maybe he isn't getting blow jobs , but
really who would want to blow him in the first place ? He
is a man who doesnt want woman to have the right to do as
they please with their bodies , he hates gays as well .He
appoints folks who are right wing fundies to back him up
. Just today 3/1/02 it came to pass that this WIFE
BEATER, Fred Heebie got caught by an ex wife and an ex
girlfriend both he beat badly when in relationships with
t hem but thats ok and Bush says he would still put him
in his post if he decided to take it ...yes an honest
woman hating man who has been heard calling woman
"pussy " yes a big gentlemen eh?
he says,
"Sarya, you liberal Democrats need to get a life!"
I have a life a very full one and i dont spend my time
spamming republican sites with hate mail ....i in my
liberal happy life do things that matter instead. We are
very busy in fact and cannot wait for the next election .Then
you will see just how busy we have been.
he says,
"You people are the true "party of hate"!"
Yes we hate the things we see going on in the white house
where the REAL president should be ..instead we see a
right wing nut trying to force religion down our throats
and take away our rights, bribing the American public
with a tax rebate and now guess what we are in a
recession ..duh . they used their agenda of greed to get
what they want and anyone who is less then a very high
salary position and filthy rich that votes republican is
a fool , for truly the only folks the republicans care
for are the rich .The rest are just silly pawns in all
this red white and blue flag waving going on ....the war
was the best PR for Bush took the public off the
big joke called an election and he is hoping to stay in
office by dragging out his so called campaign on
terrorism another long draw out war to make him look like
he is a makes me sick and truly i wouldn't be
surprised to find out he has hoped for something like the
great tragedy that happened 9/11 .... it was great PR and
gave him his awaited chance to play big cowboy hero .
he says,
"Oh Sarya, believe me, Laura Bush is a far better
woman than you'll ever be! I pity you. "
I highly doubt that but if you mean i haven't killed any
young boys by driving drunk or i haven't kissed a woman
hating male chauvinist pig for a husband's ass maybe you
are right .
Im a STRONG woman and i won't cower from my opinions
behind some asshole .
The Bushes have done so many things that those who were
so busy checking Bill Clintons bed sheets dont want you
to know ...Like Laura Bush killing a young boy and never
going to jail, Like the lady who was busted the same time
with cocaine as Dubya , she is still in jail,while he is
in the white house ...Or his lil Lush daughters who if
they had been anyone's else's kids would have been jailed
or let us not forget his niece and her writing fake xanax
prescriptions .....anyone else would have been given
years in jail but again the Bushes are crooks , why
should anyone expect differently .
Oh and by the way i do support the president, I just feel
he should get to sleep where that crook George W Bush
sleeps ..the white house where President Gore belongs .