For those who cant get over
Bill's blow job ... repeat this mantra at least 10 times daily: "I would choose a coked-up, dope smoking, alcoholic, inside trading, lying, born-again because its politically expedient, murderer without a clue, silver spoon fed corporate party boy MORON over oral sex any day of the week!" ************************************ Below from one of the best sites on the web !!! By Jay O'Three WASHINGTON, DC - 1/29/02 President MORON is set to address a Joint Session of Congress today to describe the State of the Union. Although he is rumored to be working with the twenty-fifth draft of the speech, the twenty-fourth draft was leaked to Here it is. Mr. President Pro-Tempore, Mr. Speaker, Senators, Congresspeople, Colluders in the Supreme Court, distinguished Guests, my bar-hoppin' offspring, and My Fellow Americans, the State of the Union is strong. In these short twelve months, we have managed to completely dismantle the form of government our forefathers took two hundred twenty-six years to build. After eight years of unbridled prosperity, we managed to drive the economy into recession in just two short months. After years of fiscal responsibility, we have raided the treasury, handed out huge payoffs to our contributors, and squeezed the middle class even further. We are back to deficit spendin' and we will never be held responsible. We have gone from the lowest unemployment rate in a generation, to the highest. Tonight, I'm gonna address Three Great Goals for America. They are winnin' the 'War on Terra,' protectin' the Fatherland, and conquerin' the current reccession. But first, I would like to highlight just a few of the tremendous accomplishments of our administration. On the domestic front, we appointed the governor of the most polluted state as the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, and she has done her utmost to protect our corporate contributors from the environment. We have made the Vice President, who is conspicuously absent here tonight, completely invisible. After his marvelous work on the task force which developed our energy policy under the Petrochemical Ownership of Presidency (POOP), he was spirited away under the guise of security. Of course, this doesn't make sense, and the real reason is his complete complicity in the Enron debacle. We must applaud him for this amazin' effort. He found a way to reward and protect the executives of a failin' company even as it collapsed takin' out the jobs and life savin's of thousands of workers. As I mentioned earlier, we slipped into recession in March. Even though I have maintained that a tax cut would stimulate the economy, and even though we were able to ram that tax cut through Congress in March, and even though that tax cut was actually in place, and no economic stimulus came from it, I order all Americans to ignore these facts and accept the premise that payin' off the wealthy of this nation may not be the same as economic growth, but it is really all we wanted anyway. In the interest of gettin' certain religious contributors a handout, we developed the White House Office of Religious Expansionism (WHORE). Even though the director quit in August, that is no reason to think this is simply a way to pay off the religious right with taxpayer money. This is also an important step in the dismantlin' of the First Amendment of that Constitution. I hoodwinked Californians into spendin' an extra thirty billion dollars on energy shiftin' huge profits to my friends in Texas. After all, California is only part of the Union by default. The phony gas price hike also kept them sufferin'. That will teach them what happens when you vote 'Blue.' Make no mistake about it, I lied about limitin' Carbon Dioxide emissions, and I lied about Stem Cells. Tough. We had a setback when Jim Jeffords committed the greatest act of treason in history up until that time. For some reason, he could not abide by our bludgeonin' of our own members. We had a good ol' time with that Missile Defense thing, the Destruction of Incomin' Airborne Projectiles of Hostile Rogues Anti-Guided Missile System (DIAPHRAGM System) back when it took imaginary enemies to justify drainin' the treasury to pay off defense contractors. And speakin' of defense, we had a few laughs there as well. Everyone remembers the first Greeneville episode, where that stupid Japanese fishin' boat tried to attack us. And, who can forget the Spy Plane or the friendly fire incident in Kuwait? In the international arena, we did some great things as well. We gave millions of dollars to the Taliban in May, we went on the HUBRIS and HUBRIS II tours of Europe, and went to Canada for the Western Summit. Then of course everything changed on nine one one. Suddenly, things like pink backpacks were not the only domestic threats we faced. Since then, we have been able to get anything we want! If a Congressperson disagrees with us, ASSCROFT calls him a terrorist. If a foreign nation disagrees with our policy, RUMMY can invade them. If a union worker wants to strike, we can stop him. If an American loses his job, we can blame the terrorists, and the American people are buyin' it hook, line and sinker! My approval ratin' is even higher than my Dad's and I haven't even done what I said I would do. I haven't found Usama bin Laden, I haven't found Mullah Mohamed Omar, I haven't had to answer for the recession, the deficit, the Enron scandal, the environment, the erosion of Civil Rights, or anything else! I jes' say well, it's a 'War on Terra' and if you disagree with me, I can accuse you of givin' aid an' comfort to my enemies. So, in this spirit of new-found unilateral power, I am proposin' these new programs to forward the three goals I stated before. As for the 'War on Terra,' we will now be in a permanent state of war, and I am hereby swearin' myself in as President for Life. As for the protection of the Fatherland, or Homeland as some call it, I am orderin' my Director of Fatherland Security, Tom Ridge to begin a program of youth indoctrination into the MORONic way of life. In order to be able to distinguish these youths from any other form of life, they will all be issued new uniforms featurin' brown shirts, jodhpur pants and black boots. They will display their loyalty by salutin' with a stiff arm as a symbol of strength. And finally in order to protect my contributors from the ravages of recession, I am announcin' a new program, the Republican's Endlessy Increasin' Control of the Homeland, or "REICH" as it will now be known. This program will authorize our Attorney General John ASSCROFT to punish anyone who disagrees with this new government. It will also authorize the wanton distribution of all monies comin' into the Federal Government to my contributors without regard for fiscal responsibility or fairness. It will provide for the cancellation of any domestic program which we deem unhelpful to our cause. This style of government should last at least until the next millennium! By the way, I am also considerin' growin' a little square moustache like Charly Chaplin, and I might start wearin' my hair combed forward over my forehead. We will win the 'War on Terra,' my contributors will be protected from recession, and the Homeland will be secure! God help America, and Long live the thousand year REICH! *************************************************** They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety," - Benjamin Franklin *************************************************** KARL ROVE, Bush's long-time political guru and White House advisor: "As people do better, they start voting like Republicans... ...unless they have too much education and vote Democratic, which proves there can be too much of a good thing." ************************************* "You fucking son of a bitch. I saw what you wrote. We're not going to forget this." (TYPICAL OF RIGHT WING, MAFIA OR KKK!) -George W. Bush to writer and editor Al Hunt, 1988 (very presidential !)
Sarya Ingram © 2000,2001